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An effective learning model for students and mentors.

Crawlmat is a learning model from Mahesh Ravi which provides you, with a living and expanding brain map of your knowledge on a particular subject.

People learn faster by Connecting
People learn faster by Communicating
People learn faster by Collaborating
And then there it was. The 4th C, CrawlMat!

  • Crawlmat is initiated and driven by the mentor(s).

  • You can build your Crawlmat in any Whiteboarding tool.

  • The mentor will list out the topics, sub-topics, and contextual information in the crawlmat with paths connecting these content.

  • Text, Images, Colors, URLs, and file Attachments of all kinds can be used in the crawlmat.

  • Students will have access to comment on the above information added by the mentor. They can engage in conversation regarding a particular topic. Other students will also be able to participate in the conversation using the same thread.


Crawlmat Sampler from a Design Class.

Currently, this crawlmat is moderated and controlled by the mentors. They will be adding the topics and subtopics as they narrate the theory in class. Students can comment on their learnings, questions etc under any topic or subtopic. Eventually, student moderators from each batch who can also contribute to content development (other than comments) will be added.

So if you look at the screenshot, I (as a mentor) will be starting from a blank canvas and write the title, UXD (the yellow marked title), and will build the rest of the content as and when I talk about it in the class. So that they are seeing how the content is built and how the flow happens. You can see that there is a tool central, where students will be introduced to the tools that they will be using for the module, you can also see the UX project that they will have to do at the end of the module.

Students can select any sub-topic and comment on it to get further clarification when they are studying later (As shown in the screenshot).

Students can build their independent crawlmats to study a specific topic or interest. The above screenshot is of a crawlmat created by a student of design.


Crawlmat has several applications beyond classrooms. This can be used as a knowledge base for teams, where everyone can be a contributor.

Here are some words from students who have experienced Crawlmat.


I've used Crawlmat myself, and it’s been a fantastic experience. It really helps in organizing thoughts and diving deeper into any topic. The way it grows and adapts makes it easier to understand complex ideas. It’s been great to see how it expands my knowledge and brings new insights- Yogyata Sancheti


Been a part of this model of learning, Its like taking well documented effective notes but a whole model that does that for you and then some more 🙌 ✨ - Mohit Kumar


As a person who loves taking notes in class and then later expanding the notes in a whole other book, the Crawlmat is super helpful! Not only does it help me with stuff I’ve missed out, but most times after searching a topic up on Google and getting many opinions, the Crawlmat allows me to instantly voice my confusion and get an answer in return! Can definitely say 10/10 super helpful :D  —  Harini Shankar

The Crawlmat makes classes so much more fun and effective. It enhances learning as it acts as a visual aid and is kinda like a “diary” full of knowledge :) It helps me to take down more precise notes in class and even if I’ve missed out on any point I can always go back and check the Crawlmat. I love that we can comment our questions anytime of the day, whether we’re in or out of class, to which our sir promptly replies e. It has made learning easier and a lot more fun for me! — Mrudula Battula

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